September 19, 2004


Well, alot has happened to me since my last entry.. My wife gave birth to our first child a boy. He was a few weeks early so he spent the first week in Intensive care.. he is now home today for the first day.. it was all very overwhelming for me, I am not finding this parenting thing a very natural thing. I managed to have our first diaper crises while our son was crying and the dog barking uncontrollably.. all a huge disaster, but we managed in the end. I am now busy sitting up waiting for the load of diapers to get done. We chose to do Cloth diapers and I know alot of people think we are nuts, but we found cool Cloth Diapers called Kissaluvs, and to be honest with you, I find them much easier to put on then disposable ones.. we'll see how the washing routine goes.. I think it will be alright, just have to get into a routine. The past few weeks have bean very hard on me.. I sold my house that I lived in for 11 years and I didn't really wan't to leave, but with Logan on the way it made sence to move.. I wasn't expecting him for another month and I still have a huge mess of boxes and stuff everywhere. My father had triple bypass surgery which went well and he is home now.. My parents are chewing it to bits to get here, but they need to stay where they are and work on that healing prosess. My inlaws are leaving Canada tomorrow and hope to be here Tuesday night.. I hope I can hold out that long. Then in Delivery my wife almost didn't make it.. she had HELLP syndrome and that kills 3% of those who have it, and she was in rough shape.. anyway.. that is my update

Music Listened to: Deep Forest (I thought it would be soothing for a 1 week old)
food eaten: Red Robyn whisky Bar-B-Que bocca Burger
Moral of the Day: put the site that was in the diaper out of your mind when you eat.

Posted by bilzabub at September 19, 2004 10:28 PM
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