February 01, 2003


I feel like singing that sone.. you've got me so frustrated..anyway.. it was a tug of war emotional day for me today.. a couple of days ago I was givn this book called Who moved my cheese.. an incredible pice of shit...pardon the language, but I can't think of anything nicer to say about it.. it was giving to me by my new supervisor.. but he doesn't really supervise.. he just sort of is. So today, I have this meeting with the president of my company.. I am nervous because he is meeting with me alone, I figure I'm in trouble for something.. but don't know what.. we had a great lunch.. my respect for him as a leader had kind of bean waning a bit, but our lunch he said some things to me that make me think he really does know what is going on. Anyway so that went well, I was really dreading that.. then this evening I had a meeting with my supervisor.. he was going over my expense report from Italy.. he was basically in this position that he wasn't going to pay any of it.. I was really upset.. he was going on that they weren't bonifide expenses.. why should we pay for you to go to see the statue of David.. oh, but the company will pay for me to rent a porno in my hotel room.. but not to go and see one of the greatest masterpieces in the world.. anyway.. I'm still a bit anxious about it.. we had a bit of a blowup.. I think it is going around today.. must be the moon or something.. one of my friends had the same thing happen today.. I think it is just this crazy world we are living in right now, everything is so uncertain.. except that bush is going to bomb Iraq.. he needs that to get our mind of how badly the spirit of the country has turned in the last 2 years. we need a good television war to get our minds off our woes.. make us feel superior to the rest of the world.. who only 1 year ago was totally with us.. they all felt sympathy for the loss our country had on sept. 11, now.. the whole world has turned against us.. how can a president turn so much support into so much anger.. it is amazing.. anyway.. I'm ranting so I'm gonna go to bed...

Music listend to today.
21st century Tech Pop
David Bowie Earthling
Moby 18 ( I really need to change my pack of CD's I"m taking into the office.. just too lazy lately.

MOral of the Day: When the thing you dread turns out alright, look out for the other fist heading at your face.

Posted by bilzabub at February 1, 2003 02:16 AM
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